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I went to Berlin for the opening of the show Land(e)scapes at Mein Haus am See Wedensday March 6th. Exhibition was curated by Vanessa Souli, and it will hang until April 15. Having my first show abroad was a really wonderful experience, and I am so thankful for the opportunity and for the chance to meet so many interesting people. I must admit that I had a special moment when I saw the famous tv-tower from right outside the exhibition. Like, my paintings, that I mess around with alone in my studio and in my garden are now really in the very middle of Berlin, in such a cool place!

I´ll just post a lot of photos from the opening night and some taken in daylight. I also think it is such perfect match between my many layered-paintings and the walls at Mein Haus am See. As you can see, the walls really had a long story that the owner of the place visely enough doesn't try to hide.

Most photos are taken by Niki Stavrianou / @loversoflies (Some by my sister Aina Amalie, and some by me)

Her kjem ein bildekavalkade frå Berlin. Utstillinga Land(e)scapes på Mein Haus am See på Rosenthalerplaz hadde åpning onsdag 6. mars. Kurator Vanessa Souli har sett saman utstillinga. Det var ei fantastisk oppleving å vera i Berlin med bildene mine og møta nytt publikum og veldig mange interessante menneske. Veggane på Mein Haus am See har verkeleg historie som synest, lag på lag, og det sto utrulig godt til dei mange laga som ofte er i maleria mine. Utstillinga heng til 15. april.

Mi kjære søster Aina Amalie var med og hjalp til med opphenginga.

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